mirror.premi.st is

All good things must come to an end.

After mirroring many Linux® distros for 11 years, mirror.premi.st will be shutting down on Apr 31.

Appreciate all your support over the years.

어떤 일이든 끝이 있기 마련입니다.

11년간 많은 리눅스 배포판을 미러링해온 mirror.premi.st는 4월 31일부로 운영을 중단하게 됩니다.

그동안 이용해 주시고, 응원해 주셔서 감사합니다.

Other Mirrors

Debian, EPEL, and other repositories


Arch Linux


Arch Linux and other repositories


Arch Linux, Debian, and other repositories

Brownout Schedule

Multiple brownouts are scheduled for gradual mirror service shutdown.

점진적인 서비스 종료를 위해 여러 회에 걸쳐 브라운아웃을 진행할 예정입니다.

2024-04-10 12:00-24:00 (KST) - 12 hours

2024-04-20 00:00-24:00 (KST) - 24 hours

2024-04-25 00:00-24:00 (KST) - 24 hours

mirror.premi.st is
a personal mirror server
located in Republic of Korea
operated by minku lee
since 2013.